Focus on Vegetables and Magnesium

What is magnesium?

It is one of the most abundant minerals in the body, preceded only by calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. This mineral is an essential element: it contributes to the proper functioning of neurons, along with calcium, and is also involved in many physiological functions. All cells in the human body need it.

Its main source is grain. Whole grain products provide about 100 mg to 150 mg of magnesium for 100 g of product, in other words, 3 to 5 times more than refined grain products such as white pasta, bread, or rice. However, other types of food, such as vegetables, are rich in magnesium and can contribute to daily intake.

How is magnesium assimilated by plants and humans? What is its function? How much do we need? What are the advantages of this mineral found in vegetables? What about vegetarians?

This monograph published by the Louis Bonduelle Foundation answers all of these questions.