The last conference took place in Paris on the 4th of June, with the topic : “Teenage and food, converging views and new approaches“.  The 6th edition of the Louis Bonduelle Foundation Conference was based on the theme of the adolescent diet. Nicoletta Diasio, Marie Marquis and Claude Fischler exchanging viewpoints and presenting new approaches on sensitive issues raised by food and eating habits at that crucial period of life. The event took place under the honorary sponsorship of the French Ministry for Agriculture, Agri-Foods and Forestry. It was an opportunity for the Foundation to present some examples of its fieldwork as well as research work that it supports, culminating with Christophe Bonduelle awarding the 2013 Louis Bonduelle Research Prize.

All our keynotes (in french)

Nicoletta Diasio, Professeure à l’Université de Strasbourg et directrice adjointe du laboratoire Cultures et Sociétés en Europe (CNRS-UdS),

Fidèle Ogou Tchekounnou, Président de l’ONG Avalu

Marie Marquis, Professeure au Département de nutrition de la Faculté de médecine de l’Université de Montréal.

Ling Chun Kong, Institut Cardiométabolisme et Nutrition, Laboratoire Inserm U872 et Lauréate du Prix de Recherche Louis Bonduelle 2011

Florent Vieux, Université Aix-Marseille et Lauréat du Prix de Recherche Louis Bonduelle 2011