Healthy, Vegetable-Based Snacks

snacks-Des snacks sains à base de légumes

It is easy to always have in-season vegetables ready to enjoy or take with you anywhere. You can prepare cucumber, celery or carrot sticks, or have radishes to snack on. Whether you pack them for lunch or a picnic, you can be sure to have a number of solutions ready for preparing vegetables to eat when you aren’t home. Or even for when you are home, but not at the dinner table.

Well-seasoned vegetable snacks

You can prepare a delicious mix of seasoned vegetables to eat cold: for example, a mix of cooked green beans, corn, and rice seasoned with curry or with a mix of mustard and fromage blanc. Do you have cans of vegetables in your pantry? In a few seconds, you can probably find exactly what you need for a good bowl of vegetables in your pantry: mushrooms, chestnuts, chickpeas, green peas, carrots, or navy beans. Just strain them well and season them. For the seasoning, prepare a classic vinaigrette and give it a little kick with some aromatic herbs or condiments like fish sauce, mustard, ketchup, or fromage blanc, and mixed spices.

Eat at home or on-the-go

A growing number of people like to eat “on-the-go” at home. Basically, this means they are eating at home, but not in the kitchen or dining room. Instead, they eat while doing something else, often alone. They might watch TV, work, play a video game, use a tablet, surf the internet on a smartphone, read, or more. Whatever you plan on doing, your vegetables can come along for the ride. Whether you want cooked leeks or asparagus with vinaigrette, reheated savory vegetable crepes or a piping hot vegetable casserole with melted cheese, all you need is a little organization and you will be able to have a balanced diet. You can use vegetables in cans or jars, fresh raw vegetables to snack on, or a few varieties of prepared frozen vegetables, and in a few minutes, you will have the perfect snack or meal for you and your entire family.

You can find a picture of each vegetable along with cooking time and other tips for easy preparation in our vegetable gallery