Vegetable garden: growing Jerusalem artichoke

Tubers should be sown in rows between March and April, planted at a depth of 10-15cm with tubers spaced 30cm apart. In winter, draw soil or dead leaves around them to a depth of 30cm 15cm to help stabilise plants as they grow. Jerusalem artichoke does not need a lot of water, except in case of heat waves. Harvesting starts in November up to end of March.

As with many plants, Jerusalem artichoke can be attacked by pests or diseases such as the powdery mildew (a fungus that causes the appearance of white spots on the leaves), slugs (eat the young shoots) or aphids (they suck the sap from the leaves). Subsequently these diseases and pests cause a slower growth of the plant, which can even lead to the death of the latter. An excellent winter vegetable, Jerusalem artichoke is not only a vegetable but also a root.