Lamb’s lettuce with safflower oil

Lamb’s lettuce - like all wild plants - is a nutritional powerhouse. They are all high in vitamins and the small amount of fats they contain are primarily"good" Omega 3. Did you know that purslane is one of the main ingredients in the effectiveness of the Cretan diet in avoiding cardiovascular disease? Safflower and lamb’s lettuce are our allies too.

Ingredients (serves 2):


  • Wash the lamb’s lettuce and spin to dry.
  • Peel the shallot and chop finely.
  • Make the vinaigrette in a salad bowl with the salt, pepper, wine vinegar and safflower oil.
  • Add the lamb’s lettuce and toss well.

The digestive benefits of wine vinegar make this the perfect salad for the end of a meal. Prepare the vinaigrette in advance to bring out the full flavour of the shallot. Only add the lamb’s lettuce at the last minute to make sure it keeps all its freshness… and all its vitamins!